Free men are not equal, equal men are not free.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Searching For Alternatives

Yeah, I'm a Mac user - and no, not out of lack of familiarity with Windows. Due to various bugs and other issues the last few years - more will be posted in the next couple days - I've been searching for viable replacements to using a Mac as my next computer, looking at both Windows and a number of Linux distros, and a close look at what pieces of software I'd have to find effective replacements for. Given that, it was interesting to find an article on another developer's quest for the same.

He leans toward the Ubuntu - based "Elementary" (I'll have to give it a look), and I'm not sure why he didn't give Mint a stab, but read the article.


  1. I've played around with and tested ElementaryOS and it's pretty decent and certainly pretty to look at, and still my favorite ubuntu-based distro, but the last release was pretty rough. Hopefully, it's improved over the last couple months.

  2. I'll be looking into it too. For better or for worse, while Linux has gotten "good enough" in a lot of ways - mostly not breaking things anymore often than MS does with updates - thoroughness of getting the UI consistent, nevermind aesthetically pleasant, still lags. I'm comfortable enough with Mint, can get 1Password to work under wine, supposedly, and can with few exceptions do almost anything I need to do in Linux now.

    THAT said, it would be a pain to migrate everything over, the mail applications suck - though that's a universal for me, but it's still worse - I'd be beholden to google/android for mobile, and I'd still likely have to keep a mac VM and Windows VM around for various odds and ends as my job involves support and I have to be able to test within said environments.

  3. for alternative applications and OS choices.

    I'm a Debian and LinuxMint user. Both are good, but nowhere near perfect. Possibility is to install Virtualbox for installation of Windows x.x. No idea if it might accommodate a MacOS install as an app under Linux.

    Nice new Gab avatar -- can provide SVG or CDR file of the outer elements if you want to build in greater detail, as I designed it.

    1. I'd like the SVG.....

      FWIW - it doesn't work well in Micro Size, but at regular display size for gab it's OK and twitter, for the user profile, it works. Too much detail, text to small. May strip out the inner circle and go with just the red ring / we don't care and the head

    2. Also - it's an awesome site for this kind of project and thanks for bringing it up.

  4. It was a 2-hour hack-up on a whim--LOTS of flaws. Send me an e-mail and I'll Dropbox it to you.

    1. Use this throw-away acct to e-mail me:
